Go to home page
Click on the house (Home) to view and edit your syllabi.

Click on the Edit button to fill in or modify a syllabus.
The syllabus opens in a pop-up window.
Items marked with an * are mandatory to submit the syllabus.

How to fill in the syllabus
The "Visible" and "Public" buttons determine whether or not sections are visible to learners.
⚠️ Do not touch these options

1. Course specifications
click on the boxes « to fill in »
for "ECTS Credits", manually delete the text "to fill in".

Course leader
To add the RP, click on "Add new instructor".
> Add the name and e-mail address, and a picture if you want, then click on “Save”
> Do the same for the Pedagogical Coordintor.

Course Pre-Requisites
Add prerequisites. Failing that, enter "none".

Course Rules
Add course rules that differ from the standard rules applicable to all courses.

2. Course Description
Add the course description.

> Click on “Add new item”
> Click on the white box that appears.
> Select the corresponding one(s) from the list.
To delete a line, click on the bin.
To restore the line, click on "Show Deleted" and then on clock

4.1 : PROGRAMME COMPETENCY GOALS are automatically filled in
> Check if they're good.
Otherwise, report the error using the help button at the bottom left of the Simple Syllabus page, specifying the syllabus course code

4.2 : Learning objectives of the program to which the course contributes the most
> Click on « Add new item »
> Click on the white box that appears.
> Select the corresponding one(s) from the list.

> Enter the number of class hours (delete the 0 manually)
⚠️ Do not modify the text of thetypes of learning hours

6.1. Academic and Professional Objectives
6.1.1. Concepts and theories to which participants are exposed during the course:
> Click on « Add new item »
> Click on the white box that appears.
To delete a line, click on the bin.
To restore the line, click on "Show Deleted" and then on clock

6.1.2. Knowledge acquired during the course
6.1.2. Knowledge acquired during the course:
> Click on « Add new objective»
> Add the text then click on "Save".
> Do the same for 6.1.3. Competencies acquired during the course*
Use the arrows on the right to change the order.
You can also hold down the button to drag and drop
To delete a line, click on the pencil (Modifiy) and « Delete »

6.2 : Experts met during the course
> Click on « Add new item »
> Fill in the white box that appears
To delete a line, click on the bin.
To restore the line, click on "Show Deleted" and then on clock

> Click on « Add new item »
> Fill in the white box that appears
To delete a line, click on the bin.
To restore the line, click on "Show Deleted" and then on clock.
The next block allows you to add an additional description of the assessements (optional).

> Click on « Add new item »
> Fill in the sequence number in chronological order (1, 2, 3...) and fill in the blanks in the table.
To delete a line, click on the bin.
To restore the line, click on "Show Deleted" and then on clock.

> Click on « Add new material »
> Fill in the various resource details and click on "Save".

Submit the syllabus
When everything is complete, click on "Submit".
You can leave a comment in the "Internal Comment" space before submitting. This comment will only be visible to the validator.
If the button is always grayed out, it means that a mandatory field has not been filled in.
> click on "Syllabus cannot be submitted un required components are completed. Click for more information" to view uncompleted sections.
Once the syllabus has been submitted, the Program Director (DP) receives notification and goes to Simple Syllabus to review and validate the syllabus.
If validated, the syllabus is then uploaded to Brigtspace.
A validated syllabus (or one in the process of being validated) can still be modified. In this case, the syllabus returns to "to do" status, and requires further validation by the DP.
If the Program Director (DP) rejects your syllabus, you'll see it again in the "To do" column, and you can make corrections by following the same procedure.
If the PD has left an internal comment, you can view it by clicking on "View history".